I finally had some time to myself and listen to the Journey on relaxation exercie. Okay so if you have not got it, I am an exercise freak I workout at least 1 to 2 hour 5-6 times a week. I would call myself in training to perfect my kickboxing routine and developing my teaching skill. That is the motivation for such a committed and intense workout schedule. One day soon I will post my story and weight loss journey and then you will completely undertand my obsession. Now back to the point, the relaxation exercise.Today was no different, I gave 100% to my workout. I was invited to a friend's kickboxing class and needed some good pointers so after a 90 minute session my body was exhusted but my mind was pumped like usual. I wonder why after giving it my all my mind can not settle down and I feel like I want to do it all over again. With the kids in bed and the hubby asleep in the chair, I plugged in my headphones into my laptop and stretched out on the couch. At first, I had to really focus on what the speaker was saying but after a few minutes, the blood was traveling to my shoulder and down to my hand. They were warm and felt a sense of heaviness. I visualized pushing the blood out of my core and into my arms. It was a unusal sensation, like gently rolling wave. I can say that at the end of the exercise, I was relaxed and my mind did finally quite down. I am gonna have to remember this next time I am laying in bed at night and the hamster is going around and around on the wheel in my head.
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