we were so excited for her but her nausea and vomiting continued for the next 4 months!! then the dizziness, fainting, racing heartbeat and SWELLING!!!! lost of swelling. I felt so bad for her!!! her whole pregnancy was awful. she never got the great prego feeling that you get in your 2nd and early 3rd trimester. Each day, she had backaches and swelling and swelling and swelling. Finally her due date came and went. The doc decided to schedule an induction on a Monday... she went into labor sunday. it was back labor with 4 hours of active pushing. she was drained and sore but finally Brock was here. But the swelling did not go down, she went home wed and by early thursday she was rushed to the ER with congestive heart failure!!! all i could do was cry and pray to GOD dont do this, this little family does not deserves this, dont take Misty way for Brock, Kevin and the rest of us. That night I had a long talk with God asking him to heal her, take the fluid from her body and around her heart. Let it beat again, allow her to breathe. She came home yesterday!!! She is home with her baby and husband. She has some heart damage but they do not know the extent and if she will be able to have another child due to the stress on her heart. She will have to take several meds for the rest of her life but she has the rest of her life with her family and her friends. When she was released from the hospital, she had lost 30 pounds of fluid in one week. I am just so thankful that she is home and healing, she has a long way to go so I keep praying for her and I ask that you keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She and her family are dear to my heart and i love them so much. So i am grateful for Misty and that she is home to start her life as a new mommy!!! she's going to be great!!!
rEleAse uR iNnEr kItTy

got shake it up, girlffreind
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
something to be grateful for......Misty
Ending our seminar tonight, i was thinking about one thing that I an greateful for all .....i could think about was my friend ,Misty. Monday the 27th of sept, she gave birth to a sweet healthy baby body who I like to call B-Rock. Some background, I work with Misty and get to spend 5 days a week with her. She is more then a co-worker, she is my friend. Everyone that I could work with is like family. We all support each other through the good times and bad. My office traveled down to Myrtle Beach for my wedding last May. The boss even paid for the rooms for everyone. We are family and I love each one of them. Well Misty is 9 years younger them myself. She has been married to a great guy, Kevin the head football coach of one of the local highschool for almost 6 years. Well all those six years, they have been trying to have a baby. Nothing worked so they turned to fertility medication and still no pregnancy. Her doctor wanted to try exploratory surgery and found nothing physcially that could be preventing her from getting pregnant. After the surgery, she was to start another round of fertility drugs once her monthly cycle started ( i thought that was a nice way of saying it!!) She never did. Then one day, she got really sick to her stomach. I told her that she is so pregnant. She was so afraid of another negative pregnancy test that she went a week, totally sick and throwing up. She gave in and went to the doctors........... later that day i got a text "im pregnant"!!!
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